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Risultati 120-140 di 427

The ideal and the real

an outline of Kant's theory of space, time and mathematical construction

  • Winterbourne, Anthony

The medieval concept of time [+]

studies on the scholastic debate and its reception in early modern philosophy

Habiter le temps

passé, présent, futur : esquisse d'un dialogue politique

  • Chesneaux, Jean


past, present, future

  • Augustynek, Zdzislaw


die Begrundung des Zeitbegriffs, seine notwendige Spaltung und der ganzheitliche Charakter seiner Teile

  • Deppert, Wolfgang

Tempo ed eternità nella condizione umana [+]

atti del 20. convegno del Centro di studi filosofici tra professori universitari, Gallarate, 1965

  • Centro di studi filosofici di Gallarate


an ontology of persistence and time

  • Sider, Theodore

Time for Aristotle

Physics 4.10-14

  • Coope, Ursula

What spacetime explains

mataphysical essays on space and time

  • Nerlich, Graham

About time

a philosophical inquiry into the origin and nature of time

  • Zwart, P. J.

Il 2. principio della scienza del tempo [+]

entropia, informazione, irreversibilità

  • Costa de Beauregard, Olivier

Heidegger, Kant & time

  • Sherover, Charles M.