Cerca per titolo, autore, soggetto

Risultati ricerca

Risultati 1-20 di 20


for information management and retrieval

  • Haynes, David

Memorie dinamiche

la conservazione dei database e il web archiving

  • Landino, Costantino

Linked data per biblioteche, archivi e musei

perché l'informazione sia del web e non solo nel web

  • Guerrini, Mauro 1953-


  • Pomerantz, Jeffrey


  • Zeng, Marcia Lei

Linked data for libraries, archives and museums [+]

how to clean, link and publish your metadata

  • Hooland, Seth: Van


reinventing information literacy to empower learners

  • Mackey, Thomas P.

Linked data

  • Iacono, Antonella

ISO/IEC 13250-3

international standard : information technology, topic maps, part 3: XML syntax

  • International organization for standardization

ISO/IEC 13250-2

international standard : information technology, topic maps, part 2: data model

  • International organization for standardization

ISO/IEC 13250-4

international standard : information technology, topic maps, part 4: canonicalization

  • International organization for standardization

ISO/IEC 13250-6

international standard : information technology, topic maps, part 6: compact syntax

  • International organization for standardization

Metadata in practice

  • Hillmann, Diane I.

Introduction to metadata [+]

pathways to digital information

RDA glossary

  • RDA Steering committee

Metadati [+]

  • Weston, Paul Gabriele

Risultati 1-20 di 20