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Risultati 20-40 di 125

Mesopotamia and the East

an archaeological and historical study of foreign relations ca. 3400-2000 b.C.

  • Potts, Timothy

La Babylonie au 17. siecle avant notre ere

approche archeologique, problemes et perspectives

  • Gasche, Hermann

The tablet and the scroll

near Eastern studies in honor of William W. Hallo

Marchands, diplomates et empereurs

etudes sur la civilisation mesopotamienne offertes a Paul Garelli

Ancient Mesopotamia

the Eden that never was

  • Pollock, Susan

Ancient settlement in the Zammar Region

excavations by the British archaeological expedition to Iraq in the Saddam Dam salvage project, 1985-86

La Djéziré et l'Euphrate syriens de la protohistoire à la fin du 2. millénaire av. J.-C.

tendances dans l'interprétation historique des données nouvelles

The early prehistory of Mesopotamia

500.000 to 4.500 B.C.

  • Matthews, Roger J.

La Mesopotamia prima dell'Islam

società e cultura tra Mesopotamia, Islam e Occidente

  • Brusasco, Paolo

Wisdom, gods and literature

Studies in assyriology in honour of W. G. Lambert

Riches hidden in secret places

ancient Near Eastern studies in memory of Thorkild Jacobsen

Mesopotamian civilization

the material foundations

  • Potts, Daniel T.


Studien zur Kulturgeschichte des Alten Orients : Festschrift für Hans Neumann zum 65. Geburtstag am 9. Mai 2018