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Risultati 1-20 di 118

Critique of the psycho-physical identity theory

a refutation of scientific materialism and an establishment of mind-matter dualism by means of philosophy and scientific method

  • Polten, Eric P.

The mind-body problem

a guide to the current debate

Training des Unterbewusstseins

die wunderbaren Heilkräfte des Geistes und der Seele

  • Cantor, Alfred Joseph

Mind, language and society

philosophy in the real world

  • Searle, John Rogers

Urvertrauen und zweite Wirklichkeit

das Ftan ist nie krank

  • Staehelin, Balthasar

L'anima e il corpo [+]

un'introduzione storica alla filosofia della mente

  • Nannini, Sandro 1946-

L'enigma della mente [+]

il mind-body problem nel pensiero contemporaneo

  • Moravia, Sergio

Aquinas on Mind

  • Kenny, Anthony 1931-

L' eclissi del corpo

una ipotesi psicoanalitica

  • Ferrari, Armando B.

Foucault, sport and exercise

power, knowledge and transforming the self

  • Markula, Pirkko

Psycho-physical dualism today

an interdisciplinary approach

La corporeità

il contributo delle scienze umane


from embodied cognition to free will

The nature of the self

recognition in the form of right and morality

  • Cobben, Paul

Risultati 1-20 di 118