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Risultati 180-200 di 1516

Fundamentals of memory formation

neuronal plasticity and brain function : international symposium of the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, October 27th-29th 1988

  • Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur

Dietro le maschere

alla scoperta di se stessi

  • Cheli, Enrico

Tense past [+]

cultural essays in trauma and memory

Memory and awareness

an information-processing perspective

  • Klatzky, Roberta L.

Mystic chords of memory

the transformation of tradition in American culture

  • Kammen, Michael

Autobiographical memory [+]

remembering what and remembering when

Amore e Psiche

un'interpretazione nella psicologia del profondo

  • Neumann, Erich

In the past lane

historical perspectives on American culture

  • Kammen, Michael