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Risultati 1680-1700 di 8835

Hippocrate et son héritage

colloque franco-hellenique d'histoire de la médecine, Lyon 9-12 octobre 1985

  • Colloque franco-hellenique d'histoire de la médecine Lione 1985

1: Roger Frugards Chirurgia

The Practica brevis of Platearius

  • Ruggero: da#Salerno


enlightenment and medical philosophy in the French Revolution

  • Staum, Martin Sheldon

The physical and the moral

anthropology, physiology, and philosophical medicine in France, 1750-1850

  • Williams, Elizabeth A.

Convegno nazionale La malattia

problema clinico, sociale e medico-legale : Riccione, 22-24 aprile 1999 : atti

  • Convegno nazionale La malattia Riccione 1999

Applied survival analysis [+]

regression modeling of time to event data

  • Hosmer, David W. jr

Applied multilevel analysis

a practical guide

  • Twisk, Jos W. R.

Therefore choose life

Jews and medicine : religion, culture, science : based on the exhibit at Beth hatefutsoth, The Nahum Goldmann museum of the Jewish diaspora

Généalogie des médecines douces

de l'Inde à l'Occident

  • Zimmermann, Francis