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Risultati 1-20 di 29

Rich media, poor democracy

communication politics in dubious times

  • McChesney, Robert Waterman


Methods, Concepts and Case Studies in Popular Fiction

  • Palmer, Jerry

The republic of mass culture

journalism, filmmaking, and broadcasting in America since 1941

  • Baughman, James

The power of news

  • Schudson, Michael

The whole world is watching

mass media in the making & unmaking of the New Left

  • Gitlin, Todd

Convergence culture

where old and new media collide

  • Jenkins, Henry

Speech rights in America

the first amendment, democracy and the media

  • Stein, Laura

Persuasori e persuasi

i mass media negli Usa degli anni '90

  • Glisenti, Paolo

Agenda setting

  • Dearing, James W.

The media were American

U.S. mass media in decline

  • Tunstall, Jeremy


the culture of marketing, the marketing of culture

  • Seabrook, John

The democratic surround [+]

multimedia & American liberalism from World War II to the psychedelic sixties

  • Turner, Fred

La casa bianchissima

politica, informazione e immagine negli Stati Uniti

  • Rizzuto, Francesca

Channels of desire

mass images and the shaping of American consciousness

  • Ewen, Stuart

Media culture

cultural studies, identity and politics between the modern and the postmodern

  • Kellner, Douglas

La fabbrica del consenso [+]

[la politica e i mass media]

  • Chomsky, Noam

Come si manipola l'informazione [+]

il maccartismo e il ruolo dei media

  • Barbato, Andrea

Unreliable sources

a guide to detecting bias in new media

  • Lee, Martin A.

Risultati 1-20 di 29