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Risultati 100-120 di 543

Composite materials

testing and design (Fifth conference), New Orleans, La., 20-22 March, 1978

  • Conference on composite materials 5. New Orleans 1978

Proceedings of the sixteenth Japan national congress for applied mechanics


  • Japan national congress for applied mechanics 16. Tokyo 1966


comptes rendus : huitième Congrès canadien de mécanique appliquée : juin 7-12 1981, Université de Moncton : proceedings : eighth Canadian congress of applied mechanics : June 7-12 1981

  • Canadian congress of applied mechanics CANCAM 8th Moncton 1981

1: Statics

  • Meriam, James Lathrop


proceedings : tenth Canadian congress of applied mechanics : June 2-7, 1985, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada : comptes rendus : dixième Congrès canadien de mécanique appliquée : 2-7 juin 1985

  • Canadian congress of applied mechanics CANCAM 10th University of Western Ontario, London 1985

Failure mechanisms in high performance materials

proceedings of the 39th meeting of the Mechanical failures prevention group, National bureau of standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, May 1-3, 1984

  • Mechanical failures prevention group

Statik, Reibung

  • Förster, Hans-Joachim

Appunti di fondamenti di meccanica teorica e applicata

corsi di Diploma universitario in ingegneria aerospaziale, biomedica, logistica, meccanica

  • Meozzi, Mario

Risultati 100-120 di 543