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Risultati 40-60 di 608

An advanced course of theoretical mechanics

for engineering students

  • Starzinskij, Vjaceslav Mihajlovic

Modern developments in the mechanics of continua

proceedings of an international conference on rheology ..., Pinebrook, August 23-27, 1965

  • International Conference On Rheology Pinebrook 1965


  • Foch, Adrien

Cours de mécanique générale

introduction à l'étude de la mécanique industrielle

  • Cotton, Emile

Mechanics of machines

advanced theory and examples

  • Hannah, John

Newtonian mechanics

  • French, Anthony Philip

The science of mechanics

a critical and historical account of its development

  • Mach, Ernst

Compendio completo di meccanica e della scienza delle macchine

preceduto da una introduzione storica e seguito da un vocabolario de' termini tecnici

  • Young, Thomas

Problemi di fisica generale

Vol. I, Meccanica, termodinamica, acustica

  • Fazio, Michelangelo


  • Alonso, Marcelo