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Risultati 180-200 di 1052

Il diritto del matrimonio e della filiazione nell'antica Roma

con appendice sull'antico diritto matrimoniale negli ordinamenti giuridici ellenistici

  • Tocci, Mario

Marriage and love in England

modes of reproduction : 1300-1840

  • Macfarlane, Alan

On the economics of marriage

a theory of marriage, labor, and divorce

  • Grossbard-Shechtman, Shoshana

La comunione legale

dal Trattato di diritto privato diretto da Pietro Rescigno ed edito dalla Utet

  • Barbiera, Lelio

El dolo en el matrimonio canonico

  • Jusdado Ruiz-Capillas, Miguel A.

Consentimiento matrimonial e inmadurez afectiva

actas del 6. Simposio Internacional del Instituto Martin de Azpilcueta (Pamplona, 3-5 de noviembre de 2004)

A history of matrimonial institutions

chiefly in England and the United States with an introductory analysis of the literature and the theories of primitive marriage and the family

  • Howard, George Elliott

Karaite marriage documents from the Cairo Geniza

legal tradition and community life in mediaeval Egypt and Palestine

  • Olszowy-Schlanger, Judith 1967-

Marriages of the deaf in America

an inquiry concerning the results of marriages of the deaf in America

  • Fay, Edward Allen