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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 140-160 di 285

Elastic waves and non destructive testing of materials

presented at the Winter annual meeting of the American society of mechanical engineers, San Francisco, California December 10-15, 1978

Understanding materials science [+]

history, properties, applications

  • Hummel, Rolf E. 1934-

The material side of design

the future material design cultures

  • De Giorgi, Claudia

Why materials matter

responsible design for a better world

  • Solanki, Seetal

Multiaxial fatigue

  • Socie, Darrell F.

NDE handbook

Non-destructive examination methods for condition monitoring

Random material microstructures

modelling and mechanical behaviour

Fatigue 96

proceedings of the sixth international fatigue congress : Berlin, Germany 6-10 May 1996

  • International fatigue congress 6. Berlino 1996