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Risultati 100-120 di 481

John von Neumann

the scientific genius who pioneered the modern computer, game theory, nuclear deterrence, and much more

  • Macrae, Norman

Alan Turing

his work and impact

  • Cooper, Barry S.

I matematici italiani di Albert Einstein

Ricci, Levi-Civita e la nascita della relatività generale

  • Goodstein, Judith R.

Kurt Gödel

essays for his centennial

Joseph Liouville 1809-1882

master of pure and applied mathematics

  • Lutzen, Jesper


swimming against the tide

Logics lost genius

the life of Gerhard Gentzen

  • Menzler-Trott, Eckart

Before Newton

the life and times of Isaac Barrow

Intorno a Enriques

cinque conferenze

Liber abbaci [+]

  • Fibonacci, Leonardo

Un matematico bresciano

Ramiro Rampinelli, monaco olivetano : 1697-1759

  • Succi, Carlo

The man who loved only numbers

the story of Paul Erdos and the search for mathematical truth

  • Hoffman, Paul 1957-

Gilles Personne de Roberval

1602-1675 : son activite intellectuelle dans les domaines mathematiques physique mecanique et philosophique

  • Auger, Leon

Joseph Fourier 1768-1830

a survey of his life and work based on a critical edition of his monograph on the propagation of heat presented to the Institut de France in 1807

  • Grattan-Guinness, Ivor

Courant in Gottingen and New York

the story of an improbable mathematician

  • Reid, Constance

Joseph Fourier

the man and the physicist

  • Herivel, John

Giuseppe Neri

un matematico aristotelico all'Accademia dei Lincei

  • Conti, Lino

Risultati 100-120 di 481