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Risultati 1-20 di 28

Heronis Alexandrini Geometricorum et Stereometricorum reliquiae

accedunt Didymi Alexandrini Mensurae marmorum et anonymi variae collectiones ex Herone, Euclide, Gemino, Proclo, Anatolio aliisque

  • Hero Alexandrinus


  • Smith, David Eugene

Heronis Alexandrini Metrica

accedunt partes quaedam selectae Codicis Constantinopolitani palatii veteris no. 1

  • Hero Alexandrinus

L'Héritage épistémologique d'Eudoxe de Cnide

un essai de reconstitution

  • Gardies, Jean-Louis

Straight and circular

a study of imagery in Greek philosophy

  • Ballew, Lynne Smith

De Pythagore a Euclide

contribution a l'histoire des mathematiques preeuclidiennes

  • Michel, Paul Henri

The shaping of deduction in Greek mathematics [+]

a study in cognitive history

  • Netz, Reviel

Prolegomena mathematica [+]

from Apollonius of Perga to late Neoplatonism : with an appendix on Pappus and the history of Platonism

  • Mansfeld, Jaap

Risultati 1-20 di 28