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Risultati 80-100 di 326

Proceedings of the ICMI-IDM regional conference on the teaching of geometry

Bielefeld, 16. - 20. September, 1974

  • ICMI-IDM regional conference on the teaching of geometry Bielefeld 1974

Psycology of mathematics education

PME - XI : proceedings of the eleventh international conference : actes du onzieme congres international : Montreal July 19 - July 25 1987

  • PME 11. Montreal 1987

La ricerca come antipedagogia

  • Bartolomeis, Francesco de

Terzo Convegno sull'insegnamento della matematica

Bologna, 28-29-30 aprile 1977

  • Convegno sull'insegnamento della matematica 3. Bologna 1977

Educare con il movimento

esercizi di psicocinetica per ragazzi da 5 a 12 anni

  • Le Boulch, Jean

Proceedings of the 29th conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education

Melbourne, Australia, July 10-15, 2005

  • International group for the psychology of mathematics education

PME 30

proceedings of the 30th conference of the International group for the psychology of mathematics education : Prague, Czech Republic, July 16-21, 2006

  • International group for the psychology of mathematics education

Psycology of mathematics education

proceedings of the tenth international conference : London, England, 20-25 July 1986 : PME 10

  • PME 10. London 1986

Le isometrie piane

mostra di materiale didattico

Quarto convegno sull'insegnamento della matematica

Ferrara, 23-24 aprile 1978

  • Convegno sull'insegnamento della matematica 4. Ferrara 1978

Graphical interpretation

a study of pupils' understanding and some teaching comparisons

  • Brekke, Gard