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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 1380-1400 di 6342

La forza de le linee

prospettiva e stereometria in Piero della Francesca

  • Sorci, Alessandra

La matematica e noi

corso di matematica per la scuola media

  • Amendola, Lucia

História das matemáticas em Portugal

lições proferidas de 12 a 19 de Abril de 1932

  • Gomes Teixeira, Francisco

The development of Arabic mathematics

between arithmetic and algebra

  • Rashed, Roshdi

Pi in the sky

counting, thinking and being

  • Barrow, John D.

Engineering mathematics

a programmed approach

  • Evans, Charles William

Mathematical discovery

on understanding, learning, and teaching problem solving

  • Polya, George

Psychology of mathematics education

proceedings of the 12th international conference : Veszprém, Hungary, 20-25 july 1988 : PME 12

  • PME 12. Veszprém 1988


problem solving through recreational mathematics

  • Averbach, Bonnie

Contributi sperimentali ISGML

analisi di meccanismi psicologici dell'apprendimento

  • International study group for mathematics learning

Transzendente Zahlen

Gastvorlesung am Mathematischen Institut der Universität Bonn, Sommer-Semester 1963

  • Lang, Serge

La démonstration

écrire des mathématiques au collège et au lycée

Number, the language of science

a critical survey written for the cultured non-mathematician

  • Dantzig, Tobias