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Risultati 760-780 di 6342

Infini et inconscient

essai sur Georg Cantor

  • Charraud, Nathalie

Per Ennio De Giorgi

  • Dipartimento di Matematica Università degli studi di Lecce

Lezioni di matematica

  • Ottaviani, Massimiliano

Proceedings of the 29th conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education

Melbourne, Australia, July 10-15, 2005

  • International group for the psychology of mathematics education

Mathématique 2

classe de cinquième


per la scuola media

  • Gabrielli, Roberto

Aritmetica per il triennio della scuola media

per il triennio della scuola media

  • Foà, Clara

Alan Turing

life and legacy of a great thinker

Some experimental ideas for teachers

  • The school mathematics project

PME 30

proceedings of the 30th conference of the International group for the psychology of mathematics education : Prague, Czech Republic, July 16-21, 2006

  • International group for the psychology of mathematics education

Some problems of mathematics and mechanics

on the occasion of the seventieth birthday of Academician M. A. Lavrent'ev