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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 460-480 di 6342

Priorities in school mathematics

executive summary of the PRISM project

  • National council of teachers of mathematics

Mathematics for schools

teacher's resource book

  • Fletcher, Harold

Analysis [+]

leistungskurs gesamtausgabe lösungsheft

  • Schmidt, August

Tavole matematiche ad uso delle facolta' universitarie

richiami di teoria, integrali calcolati, tavole

  • Brasca, Luigi

Elements of applied mathematics

  • Zeldovich, Iakov Borisovich

Analog simulation

solution of field problems

  • Karplus, Walter J.

Le idee, i numeri, l'ordine

la dottrina della mathesis universalis dall'Accademia antica al neoplatonismo

  • Napolitano Valditara, Linda M.

International congress of mathematicians

Stockholm, 1962, August 15th-22nd : [programme]

  • International congress of mathematicians Stockholm 1962

The mathematical universe

an alphabetical journey through the great proofs, problems, and personalities

  • Dunham, William


  • Hocquenghem, Alexis


  • Arzelà, Cesare

Collected papers

  • Marcinkiewicz, Józef