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Risultati 2280-2300 di 6342

Matematica generale

esercizi d'esame minutamente svolti

  • Pacelli, Graziella

The number sense

how the mind creates mathematics

  • Dehaene, Stanislas

Mathematica [+]

a system for doing mathematics by computer

  • Wolfram, Stephen

From Kant to Hilbert [+]

a source book in the foundations of mathematics

  • Ewald, William

Mathematics as sign

writing, imagining, counting

  • Rotman, Brian


a multicultural view of mathematical ideas

  • Ascher, Marcia

The mathematical philosophy of Bertrand Russell

origins and development

  • Rodriguez-Consuegra, Francisco A.

Categories in computer science and logic

proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held June 14-20, 1987 with support from the National science foundation