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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 140-160 di 3250

Genetic basis of morphological variation

an evaluation and application of the twin study method

  • Osborne, Richard H.

Scienza e tecnica per la società

una rassegna delle principali conquiste dell'uomo

  • Santoprete, Giancarlo


  • Visalberghi, Elisabetta

The origin of races

  • Coon, Carleton S.

Le origini dell'uomo

  • Alimen, Marie Henriette

Atti 1. Convegno italiano sui chirotteri

Castell'Azzara (Grosseto), 28-29 marzo 1998 : Castell'Azzara (Grosseto), March 28-29, 1998

Sajo und ihre Biber

wie Sajo und ihr Bruder mit zwei Biberkindern Freundschaft hielten

  • Wa-Sha-Quon-Asin

The whalebone whales of the western north Atlantic

compared with those occurring in european waters with some observations on the species of the north Pacific

  • True, Frederick W.

The archaeology of the dead

lectures in archaeothanatology

  • Duday, Henri

Human Evolution

a very short introduction

  • Wood, Bernard

Risultati 140-160 di 3250