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Risultati 960-980 di 3250


  • Slijper, Everhard Johannes

Motherhood in human and nonhuman primates

biosocial determinants

  • Schultz-Biegert Symposium 3 Kartause, Ittingen 1994

Neurophysiological aspects of color vision in primates

comparative studies on simian retinal ganglion cells and the human visual system

  • Zrenner, Eberhart

The origins of native americans

evidence from antropological genetics

  • Crawford, Michael H.

Macaque societies

a model for the study of social organization

Genetique et races humaines

introduction a l'anthropologie physique moderne

  • Boyd, William C.

Neue Ergebnisse der Primatologie

first Congress of the International Primatological Society, Frankfurt a. M., 26.30 Juli 1966

  • International Primatological Society 1 Frankfurt 26-30 July 1966

Storie di zampe, di mani e di pietre

arnesi e strumenti degli animali e dell'uomo : programma didattico per la scuola dell'obbligo

  • Amici del Museo di Torino Associazione di antropologia ed etnografia

Genetik des menschen

lehrbuch der humangenetik

  • Verschuer, Otmar Frhr.

Low stress handling, restraint and behavior modification of dogs & cats

techniques for developing patients who love their visit

  • Yin, Sophia


étude systématique pae espèces

  • Didier, Robert

Primate communication

a multimodal approach

  • Liebal, Katja

Equine behaviour

principles and practice

  • Mills, Daniel

Mankind evolving

the evolution of human species

  • Dobzhansky, Theodosius