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Risultati 840-860 di 3250

Über die Magenverdauung der Wiederkäuer nach Versuchen

nebst einer Prüfung der Flouren'schen Versuche über das Wiederkäuen

  • Haubner, Gottlieb Karl

The small mammal manual manuscript

a step by step guide to preparing and articulating small mammal skeletons

  • Post, Lee

Physiologie des Menschen und der Säugethiere

Lehrbuch für Studirende und Aerzte

  • Munk, Immanuel 1852-1903

The house mouse

development and normal stages from fertilization to 4 weeks of age

  • Theiler, Karl

Linee guida per il monitoraggio dei Chirotteri

indicazioni metodologiche per lo studio e la conservazione dei pipistrelli in Italia

Dolphins, porpoises and whales of the world

the IUCN red data book

  • Klinowska, Margaret

The mammalian kidney

  • Moffat, David Burns

Pigmentation & fonctionnement cortico-surrenalien

races melanodermes et leucodermes

  • Leschi, Jeanne

Sound reception in mammals

the proceedings of a symposium organized jointly by the British Society of Audiology and the Zoological Society of London, held at the Zoological Society of London on 21 and 22 March 1974

La baleine

  • Delafosse, Claude

Genetica umana

  • Hartl, Daniel L.


  • Hillson, Simon

Humans before humanity

en evolutionary perspective

  • Foley, Robert A.

Life-histories of northern animals

an account of the mammals of Manitoba

  • Seton, Ernesto Thompson

Integration in the nervous system

a symposium in honor of David P.C. Lloyd and Rafael Lorente De No, The Rockefeller University, May 4-5, 1978