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Risultati 1-20 di 177

American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics

The Official Pubblication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics

Clinical genetics [+]

An international journal of genetics and molecular medicine

European journal of human genetics

The official journal of the European Society of Human Genetics

Folia hereditaria et pathologica

edita ab Alfonso Giordana.

Heredity and society

proceedings of a symposium on heredity and society. Sponsored by the Birth Defects Institute. Held Albany, New York, October 26-27, 1971

  • Symposium on Heredity and Society Albany, N.Y. 1971

Mendelian inheritance in man [+]

catalogs of autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and x-linked phenotypes

  • McKusick, Victor Almon

Genetica in medicina

  • Thompson, James Scott 1919-1982

Human genetics

proceedings of the 7. international congress, Berlin 1986

Genetica medica [+]

I. Symposium internationale geneticae medicae, 6-7 septembris 1953

  • Symposium internationale geneticae medicae 1 Roma 1953

Advanced gene delivery

from concepts to pharmaceutical products

Risultati 1-20 di 177