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Risultati 40-60 di 395

Cutaneous toxicity

  • Conference on cutaneous toxicity 3. Washington 1976

Atlante delle malattie della pelle e delle più importanti malattie veneree

per uso dei medici pratici e degli studenti

  • Jacobi, Eduard

Clinical dermatology

a color guide to diagnosis and therapy

  • Habif, Thomas P.

Précis de dermatologie [+]

  • Darier, Jean 1856-1938

Sun protection

a primary teaching resource

Die Hautkrankheiten

  • Jarisch, Adolf 1850-1902

Evaluating school programmes

to promote sun protection

La dermatologia

  • Verrotti, Giuseppe

Les maladies séborrhéiques

séborrhée, acnés, calvitie

  • Sabouraud, Raymond Jacques Adrien

Histologic diagnosis of inflammatory skin diseases

an algorithmic method based on pattern analysis

  • Ackerman, A. Bernard

Les maladies desquamatives

pityriasis et alopécies pelliculaires

  • Sabouraud, Raymond Jacques Adrien

Handbook of the pathology of the skin

an introdution to the histology, pathology, bacteriology and mycology of the skin with special reference to technique

  • Macleod, John MacLeod Hendrie