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Risultati 1-20 di 29

30 [Dreissig] Jahre Elektroenzephalographie

Jenenser EEG Symposion, 17. bis 19. Oktober 1959

Electric fields of the brain

the neurophysics of EEG

  • Nunez, Paul L.

Kyoto symposia

being the invited contributions to symposia and workshops of the 10th international congress of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, held in Kyoto, Japan, September 13-18, 1981

  • International congress of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology 10. Kyoto 1981

The dominant focus

electrophysiological investigations

  • Rusinov, Vladimir Sergeevich

Le sommeil de nuit normal et pathologique

études électroencéphalographiques

Normal sleep in man

an experimental contribution to our knowledge of the phenomenology of sleep

  • Jovanovic, Uros J.


a symposium on its various aspects

The nervous system and electric currents

proceedings of the third annual conference of the Neuro-Electric Society, held in Las Vegas, Nevada, March 23-25, 1970

  • Neuro-Electric society Las Vegas

Average evoked potentials

methods, results and evaluations

Electrophysiology of mind

event-related brain potentials and cognition

Recent advances in EEG and EMG data processing

the proceedings of the international conference on EEG and EMG data processing held in Kanazawa, Japan, September 10-12, 1981

  • International conference on EEG and EMG data processing Kanazawa 1981

Henri Gastaut and the Marseilles School's contribution to the neurosciences

proceedings of the 25th and final colloque de Marseille

  • Colloques de Marseille 25. Marsiglia 1980

Risultati 1-20 di 29