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Risultati 40-60 di 84

Le zone polmonari

  • Di Guglielmo, Lucio

Lung disease [+]

state of the art : 1984-1986

Post-traumatic pulmonary insufficiency

pathophysiology of respiratory failure and principles of respiratory care after surgical operations, trauma, hemorrhage, burns, and shock

Asthma and COPD

basic mechanisms and clinical management

Le pleuro-corticaliti

(patologia e clinica) : monografia

  • Bettòlo, Alfredo

Central hemodynamics and gas exchange

with emphasis on the measurement of pulmonary extravascular water : proceedings of an international symposium organized by laboratorio di fisiologia clinica C.N.R., Pisa, under the auspices of International society of cardiology and societas europaea physiologiae clinicae respiratoriae, held in Pisa (Italy), May 22-23, 1970

L'echinococcosi polmonare

patologia, clinica e terapia

  • Cortese, Luigi medico

Form and function in the human lung

proceedings of a symposium held in the University of Birmingham, April 5th, 6th and 7th, 1967

Curabilità e trattamento della tisi pulmonare

lezioni dettate alla Facoltà di medicina di Parigi

  • Jaccoud, Sigismond 1830-1913

Die Lungenzysten

Pathologie und Klinik

  • Zadek, Ignaz

Supporazioni polmonari

trattamento chirurgico e risultati

  • Paolucci di Valmaggiore, Raffaele

Röntgenatlas der Lungenerkrankungen

ein Leitfaden für Ärzte

  • Brednow, Walter


  • Muiesan, Giulio