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Risultati 4120-4140 di 27865

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malattie localizzate

Il manuale del paziente affetto da sindrome fibromialgica

gestione integrata tra personale sanitario e paziente

  • Sarzi-Puttini, Piercarlo

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

technique, diagnosis, and therapy

  • Siegel, Jerome H.

Contrast media in computed tomography

international workshop Berlin January 14-17, 1981

Essentials of radiology

for medical students and others who find looking at radiographs very difficult

  • Bretland, Peter Maynard

Conceptual advances in immunology and oncology

a collection of papers presented at the sixteenth annual symposium on fundamental cancer research, 1962, at the University of Texas ...

  • Annual symposium on fundamental cancer research 16. Houston 1962

Current concepts of aldose reductase and its inhibitions

proceedings of the Japan-US aldose reductase workshop, Nagoya, Japan, 16-17 November 1989

  • Japan-US aldose reductase workshop Nagoya, Japan 1989

Current topics in nerve and muscle research

selected papers of the symposia held at the IVth International congress on neuromuscular diseases, Montreal, Canada, September 17-21, 1978

Treatment of severe hypercholesterolemia in the prevention of coronary heart disease

  • International Symposium "Treatment of Severe Hypercholesterolemia in the Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease" Naples 1988

The technique and significance of oestrogen determinations

proceedings of a conference held jointly by the society of endocrinology and the endocrinological section of the royal society of medicine, at the royal society of medicine, London, on 17 February 1954

  • Society for endocrinology