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Risultati 60-80 di 369

Integrational linguistics

1., General outline

  • Lieb, Hans Heinrich

Wege zur Universalien Forschung

sprachwissenschaftliche Beiträge zum 60 Geburtstag von Hansjakob Seiler

The web of knowledge

evidentiality at the cross-roads

  • Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y.

Understanding language

towards a post-Chomskyan linguistics

  • Moore, Terence

The Indo-European controversy

facts and fallacies in historical linguistics

  • Pereltsvaig, Asya

Dell'origine del linguaggio articolato

conferenza tenuta il 22 febbrajo 1888 al Circolo filologico milanese

  • Vignoli, Tito

Grammars and descriptions

studies in text theory and text analysis

Fünfspännige Linguistik

  • Weisgerber, Johann Leo

East and West

papers in Indo-European studies