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Risultati 140-160 di 236

Studies in Altaic and comparative philology

a collection of professor Pentti Aaltoʼs essays in honour of his 70th birthday

  • Aalto, Pentti

The passive

a comparative linguistic analysis

  • Siewierska, Anna

Predication theory

a case study for indexing theory

  • Napoli, Donna Jo

Bono homini donum

essays in historical linguistics in memory of J. Alexander Kerns

Papers from the 3rd international conference on historical linguistics

  • International conference on historical linguistics 3. Hamburg 1977

Papers from the 5th international conference on historical linguistics

  • International conference on historical linguistics 5. Galway 1981

Impersonal sentences in Finnish and Russian

syntactic and semantic properties

  • Leinonen, Marja

Histoire et linguistique

actes de la table ronde : Paris, 28, 29, 30 avril 1983

Papers from the 6th international conference on historical linguistics

  • International conference on historical linguistics 6. Poznan 1983


une confrontation : actes du Colloque de Strasbourg organise par le Centre de philologie romane avec la partecipation de l'U.E.R. de Letres [|] modernes, 23-24 mars 1984

  • Universite des sciences humaines . Centre de philologie et de litteratures romanes

Studies in typology and diachrony

papers presented to Joseph H. Greenberg on his 75. birthday