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Risultati 1140-1160 di 4785

Variatio linguarum

Beiträge zu Sprachvergleich und Sprachentwicklung : Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Gustav Ineichen

Function and structure

in honor of Susumo Kuno

Das Wesen der sprachlichen Gebilde

Kritische Bemerkungen zu Wilhelm Wundts Sprachpsychologie

  • Sütterlin, Ludwig

Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Berkeley linguistics society, February 14-16, 1998

special session on Indo-European subgrouping and internal relations, February 14, 1998

  • Berkley linguistic society

Global linguistic statistical methods

to locate style identities : proceedings of an International Seminar, Gallarate june 5-7, 1981

Izbrannye trudy po filologii


  • Trubeckoj, Nikolaj Sergeevic

Language and linguistics

the interdipendence of theory, data, and application

  • Georgetown university round table on language and linguistics 1985

Constituent structure

a study of contemporary models of syntactic description

  • Postal, Paul

Beitrag zu einem Deutsch-Italienischen Wörterbuch der linguistischen Fachterminologie

Übersetzung des Werkes "Historische Syntax des Deutschen" von Wladimir Admoni : tesi di laurea

  • Mariotti, Antonella

Scritti di Mario Doria

un percorso culturale fra Micene e Trieste

  • Doria, Mario

Linguistica testuale e critica letteraria

le funzioni dei tempi verbali nel testo

  • Goggi, Gianluigi

Atti del III congresso internazionale dei linguisti

Roma, 19-26 settembre 1933-XI : Rome, 19-26 septembre 1933-XI

  • International congress of linguists 3 Roma 1933

Proceedings of the seventh International congress of linguistics [i. e. linguists]

London, 1-6 September 1952

  • International congress of linguists 7 London 1952

Proceedings of the eighth international congress of linguists

  • International congress of linguists 8 Oslo 1957