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Risultati 220-240 di 349

The Asia Minor connexion [+]

studies on the pre-greek languages in memory of Charles Carter

Indo-European language and culture

an introduction

  • Fortson, Benjamin W. 4.

East and West

selected writings in linguistics

  • Rosén, Haiim B.

Pre-Indo-European [+]

  • Lehmann, Winfred P.

Anatomy of the verb

the Gothic verb as a model for a unified theory of aspect, actional types and verbal velocity

  • Lloyd, Albert L.

Opuscula selecta

ausgewahlte Arbeiten zur griechischen und indogermanischen Sprachwissenschaft

  • Ruiperez, Martin S.

Scripta minora

selected essays in Indo-European, Greek and Latin

  • Szemerényi, Oswald John Louis

The laws of Indo-European [+]

  • Collinge, Neville Edgar

Proceedings of the twelfth annual UCLA Indo-European conference

Los Angeles, May 26-28, 2000

  • UCLA Indo-European conference 12. Los Angeles 2001

Sound law and analogy

papers in honor of Robert S. P. Beekes on the occasion of his 60 birthday

Florilegium Linguisticum

Festschrift fur Wolfgang P. Schmid zum 70. Geburtstag

Proceedings of the Thirteenth annual UCLA Indo-European conference

Los Angeles, November 9-10, 2001

  • Annual UCLA Indo-European conference 13. Los Angeles 2001