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Risultati 260-280 di 616

On the fringe of commentary

metatextuality in ancient Near Eastern and ancient Mediterranean cultures

Synchrony and diachrony of ancient Greek [+]

language, linguistics and philology

  • Giannakis, Georgios K.

Tetraonyma [+]

miscellanea graeco-romana

Hīdiston logodeipnon

logopédies : mélanges de philologie et de linguistique grecques offerts à Jean Taillardat

Philological studies in honor of Walter Miller

presented by former students upon his completion of fifty years of teaching

Akten des 6. Internationalen Kongresses für griechische und lateinische Epigraphik, München 1972

  • Internationale Kongress fur Griechische und Lateinische Epigraphik 6. Monaco di Baviera 1972

Aphrodisias in late antiquity

the late Roman and Byzantine inscriptions including texts from the excavations at Aphrodisias conducted by Kenan T. Erim

  • Roueche, Charlotte

1: Letteratura greca

  • Pasquali, Giorgio 1885-1952