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Risultati 340-360 di 1294

Arameo antiguo

gramática y textos comentados

  • Martínez Borobio, Emiliano

Mémorial Mahmud al-Ghul

inscriptions sudarabiques

  • Bron, François

A historical grammar of biblical Hebrew

a presentation of problems with suggestions to their solutio

  • Sperber, Alexander

The perfumes of seven tamarisks

studies in honour of Wilfred G. E. Watson


una storia linguistica

  • Brincat, Giuseppe

A grammar of Neo-Aramaic

the dialect of the Jews of Arbel

  • Khan, Geoffrey

Die Sprache der Amarnabriefe [+]

mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kanaanismen

  • Böhl, Franz Marius Theodor

Florilegio filologico linguistico

haninura de bon siman a Maria Luisa Mayer Modena

Diathesis in the Semitic languages

a comparative morphological study

  • Retsö, Jan