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Risultati 440-460 di 548

El-Hawawish [+]

tombs, sarcophagi, stelae : palaeography

  • Callender, Vivienne G.

Tebtynis 6. [+]

scripta varia : textes hiéroglyphiques, hiératiques, démotiques, araméens, grecs et coptes sur différents supports (S.V.Tebt. 1.)

Hieratic texts from Tebtunis [+]

including a survey of illustrated papyri

La zone minière pharaonique du Sud-Sinai, 2. [+]

les inscriptions pré- et protodynastiques du Ouadi 'Ameyra (CCIS nos. 273 - 335)

  • Tallet, Pierre

Ouadj our

un autre aspect de la vallee du Nil

  • Vandersleyen, Claude

The world of the coffin texts

proceedings of the symposium held on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Adriaan De Buck : Leiden, December 17-19, 1992

The performative structure [+]

ritualizing the pyramid of Pepy 1.

  • Billing, Nils

Ancient Egyptian scribes [+]

a cultural exploration

  • Allon, Niv

From single sign to pseudo-script [+]

an ancient Egyptian system of workmen’s identity marks

  • Haring, B. J. J.