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Risultati 20-40 di 156

Alice au pays du langage

pour comprendre la linguistique

  • Yaguello, Marina

Il comportamento verbale

  • Skinner, Burrhus Frederic

The new psychology of language

cognitive and functional approaches to language structure

Women, fire, and dangerous things

what categories reveal about the mind

  • Lakoff, George

La genèse de la parole

symposium de l'Association de psychologie scientifique de langue française, 16. session, 1975

Naître humain

  • Mehler, Jacques

Psycholinguistics [+]

a survey of theory and research problems

The psycho-biology of language

an introduction to dynamic philology

  • Zipf, George Kingsley

Creativity and convention

the pragmatics of everyday figurative speech

  • Vega Moreno, Rosa E.

Le langage

construction et actualisation

Supportive fellow-speakers and cooperative conversations

discourse topics and topical actions, participant roles and "Recipient action" in a particular type of everyday conversation

  • Bublitz, Wolfram


  • Slobin, Dan Isaac