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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 1840-1860 di 3579

Lexical semantics and knowledge representation

first SIGLEX workshop, Berkeley, CA, USA, June 17, 1991, proceedings

  • Siglex workshop 1 Berkeley 1991


a relevance-theory approach

  • Noh, Eun-Ju

Quando i processi diventano referenti

l'incapsulazione anaforica tra grammatica e coesione testuale

  • Pecorari, Filippo <1986->

Semantics and necessary truth

an inquiry into foundations of analytic philosophy

  • Pap, Arthur

Markizm i filosofija jazyka

  • Bahtin, Mihail Mihajlovic

The composition of meaning

from lexeme to discourse

S'adresser à autrui

les formes nominales d'adresse dans une perspective comparative interculterelle

Acquiring a non-native phonology

linguistic constraints and social barriers

  • Hansen, Jette G.

Semiotik und Metapher

Untersuchungen zur grammatischen Struktur und kommunikativen Funktion von Metaphern

  • Köller, Wilhelm

Associative networks

representation and use of knowledge by computers