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Risultati 1440-1460 di 3579

Corpus linguistics

an introduction

  • McEnery, Tony

The body in language

comparative studies of linguistic embodiment

Genre and institutions

social processes in the workplace and school

Grammaire du discours argumentatif

le topique, le générique, le figuré

  • Eggs, Ekkehard

Lo spirito manifesto

percorsi linguistici nella filosofia hegeliana

  • Pisano, Libera

Kant e il linguaggio

autocritica e immaginazione

  • Paltrinieri, Gian Luigi

Words and other wonders

papers on lexical and semantic topics

  • Geeraerts, Dirk

Metaphor and iconicity

a cognitive approach to analyzing texts

  • Hiraga, Masako K.

Ambiguity in natural language

an investigation of certain problems in its linguistic description

  • Kooij, Jan G.

Configurazioni tra linguaggio e realtà

per un modello dell'attività comunicativa

  • Carenini, Michele

Praktische Linguistik

eine Einführung in die Linguistik für Logopäden und Sprachheillehrer

  • Gadler, Hanspeter