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Risultati 1320-1340 di 3579

The literary text

an examination of critical methods

  • Wetherill, Peter Michael

The structure of time

language, meaning, and temporal cognition

  • Evans, Vyvyan

Moskovsko-Tartuskaja semioticeskaja skola

istorija, vospominanija, razmyslenija

Dialogues on the psychology of language and thought

conversations with Noam Chomsky, Charles Osgood, Jean Piaget, Ulric Neisser, and Marcel Kinsbourne

Linguistic emotivity

centrality of place, the topic-comment dynamic, and an ideology of pathos in Japanese discourse

  • Maynard, Senko K.

Statistique et analyse linguistique

colloque de Strasbourg (20-22 avril 1964)

Ego loquens

jazyk i kommunikacionnoe prostranstvo

  • Uspenskij, Boris Andreevic

Ikonismus in der Syntax

zur natürlichen Stellung der Attribute

  • Posner, Roland

Lebendige Philologie

studien zur Soziolinguistik, Gesellschaftstheorie un Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Romanistik

  • Bochmann, Klaus

Models of language acquisition

inductive and deductive approaches