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Risultati 40-60 di 3579

Rahmenanalyse des Dialogs

Aspekte des Sprachverstehens in Alltagssituationen

  • Müller, Klaus 1951-

The language of business studies lectures

a corpus-assisted analysis

  • Crawford Camiciottoli, Belinda

La Babele dell'inconscio [+]

lingua madre e lingue straniere nella dimensione psicoanalitica

  • Amati Mehler, Jacqueline

Language and power

  • Fairclough, Norman 1941-


  • Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Catherine

The language of advertising

written texts

  • Goddard, Angela

Word expert semantics

an interlingual knowledge-based approach

  • Papegaaij, B.C.

Questioni di lessico

l'ingegno, le passioni, il linguaggio

  • Graziosi, Elisabetta

Mithridates im Paradies

kleine Geschichte des Sprachdenkens

  • Trabant, Jürgen

Vestigia, imagines, verba

semiotics and logic in medieval theological texts, (XIIth-XIVth century)

  • Vestigia imagines verba: semiotics and logic in medieval theological texts (XIIth-XIVth century)

What do we talk about when we talk?

speculative grammar and the semantics and pragmatics of focus

  • Auwera, Johan van der

Über den Ursprung und die Entwickelung der Sprache

academische Festrede gehalten am 8. November 1866 bei der Jahresfeier der Universität Basel

  • Wackernagel, Wilhelm 1806-1869