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Risultati 2000-2020 di 3579

Oltre il linguaggio

  • Severino, Emanuele

Melchiorre Cesarotti

linguistica e antropologia nell'età dei Lumi

The Port-Royal grammar

sources and influences

  • Tsiapera, Maria

Foundations of speech act theory [+]

philosophical and linguistic perspectives

Pathways of the brain [+]

the neurocognitive basis of language

  • Lamb, Sydney M.

Sprache, Sprachreflexion und Erkenntniskritik

Versuch einer transzendentalphänomenologischen Klärung der Bedeutungsfrage

  • Willems, Klaas

Tendenzen europäischer Linguistik

Akten des 31. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Bern 1996

  • Linguistischen Kolloquium 31. Berna 1996

On nature and language [+]

with an essay on "The secular priesthood and the perils of democracy"

  • Chomsky, Noam

Quine and Davidson [+]

on language, thought and reality

  • Glock, Hans Johann


some universals in language usage

  • Brown, Penelope

The language builder

an essay on the human signature in linguistic morphogenesis

  • Hagège, Claude

Il riferimento imperscrutabile

olismo, ontologia e teoria del significato

  • Bottani, Andrea 1958-

What's in a name?

reflections on language, magic and religion

  • Wells, George Albert