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Risultati 140-160 di 249


teoria e pratiche

  • Cantoni, Lorenzo

Meaning as explanation

advances in linguistic sign theory

Text and discourse connectedness

proceedings of the Conference on connexity and coherence, Urbino, July 16-21, 1984

  • Conference on connexity and coherence Urbino 1984

I discorsi dell'odio

razzismo e retoriche xenofobe sui social network

  • Ferrini, Caterina 1986-

Wort und Bild: die Rezeption semiotisch komplexer Texte

dargestellt anhand einer Analuyse polisticher "pintadas"

  • Schnitzer, Johannes

Kommunikatives Schreiben [+]

Prozess und Entwicklung aus der Sicht kognitiver Schreibforschung

  • Jechle, Thomas

Il prisma dell'io narrante

autore e lettore : modelli di comprensione e di produzione di testi

The ubiquity of metaphor

metaphor in language and thought

Text and technology

in honour of John Sinclair

Le projet sémiotique

éléments de sémiotique générale

  • Carontini, Enrico

Pragmatics and semantics

an empiricist theory

  • Kates, Carol A.

Pertinence et pratique

essai de sémiologie

  • Prieto, Luis J.