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Risultati 1-20 di 26


eine Sprache reist um die Welt

  • Weinstein, Miriam


eine Einführung

  • Weissberg, Josef

Die jiddische Sprache

ein kurzer Überblick und Texte aus acht Jahrhunderten

  • Birnbaum, Salomo A.


das Abenteuer einer Sprache

  • Landmann, Salcia

Le yidich à travers la chanson populaire [+]

les éléments non germaniques du yidich

  • Szulmajster-Celnikier, Anne

Incomplete L1 acquisition in the immigrant situation

Yiddish in the United States

  • Levine, Glenn S.

Never say die!

a thousand years of Yiddish in Jewish life and letters

The joys of Yiddish

a relaxed lexicon of Yiddish, Hebrew and Yinglish words often encountered in English, plus dozens that ought to be, with serendipitous excursions into Jewish humour, habits, holidays, history, religion, ceremonies, folklore, and cuisine (...)

  • Rosten, Leo

Hooray for Yiddish

a book about English : a cheerful lexicon of Yiddish words which have become part of the English language, plus English words and phrases which have been transformed into Yinglish; the whole garnished with stories, jokes, parables, reverent quotations from the Talmud and a glittering gallery of writers, rabbis, sages, wits (...)

  • Rosten, Leo

Two-tiered relexification in Yiddish

Jews, Sorbs, Khazars and the Kiev-Polessian dialect

  • Wexler, Paul

Das Ostjiddische im Sprachkontakt

Deutsch im Spannungsfeld zwischen Semitisch und Slavisch

  • Krogh, Steffen

Yiddish [+]

lingua, letteratura e cultura : corso per principianti

  • Zucker, Sheva

Grammatik der Jiddischen Sprache

mit einem Wörterbuch und der Lesestücken

  • Birnbaum, Salomo A.

Lo yiddish [+]

  • Baumgarten, Jean

Oy Oy Oy! [+]

umorismo e sapienza nel mondo perduto dello yìddish

  • Rosten, Leo

Risultati 1-20 di 26