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Festschrift für Hermann M. Flasdieck

Our language

  • Potter, Simeon

The world of words

a language reader

Mother tongue [+]

the english language

  • Bryson, Bill

Current topics in English historical linguistics

proceedings of the second International conference on English historcal linguistics, held at Odense university, 13-15 april, 1981

  • International conference on English historical linguistics 2. Odense 1981

Vermischte Beiträge zur englischen Sprachgeschichte

Etymologie, Ortsnamenkunde, Lautlehre

  • Ritter, Otto Friedrich Ernst

Breve storia della lingua inglese

  • Francovich Onesti, Nicoletta

L'inglese dalle origini ad oggi

le vicende di una lingua

  • Francovich Onesti, Nicoletta

The English language

  • Burchfield, Robert

Histoire de la langue anglaise

du Moyen âge à nos jours

  • Bourcier, Georges

Historical english word-formation

papers read at the Sixth National Conference of the history of english

  • National Conference of the history of English 6. Urbino 1993

Early English and Norse studies

presented to Hugh Smith in honour of his sixtieth birthday