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Risultati 940-960 di 4221

English for educators

  • Facchinetti, Roberta

Lingua inglese

brani, grammatica ragionata, quesiti : manuale completo per la preparazione a tutti i concorsi pubblici, agli esami di abilitazione e ai colloqui professionali

  • Partipilo, Maria Luisa

Grammar goals

reference and practice for intermediate students

  • Sellen, Derek

Relevant linguistics

an introduction to the structure and use of English for teachers

  • Justice, Paul W.

Modality in specialized texts

selected papers of the 1. CERLIS conference

  • Centro di ricerca sui linguaggi specialistici

Identity, community, discourse

English in intercultural settings

English as a human language

to honor Louis Goossens

An outline of English lexicology

lexical structure, word semantics, and word-formation

  • Lipka, Leonhard

Technical english for engineering

a methodological approach through "skills" development

  • De Pietri, Alma

Expressive techniques in writing

theory and practice

  • Conti Camaiora, Luisa

Tradition and change in legal English

verbal constructions in prescriptive texts

  • Williams, Christopher

Intermediate business English

course book

  • Cotton, David

English grammar

an outline

  • Huddleston, Rodney

Domain-specific English

textual practices across communities and classrooms