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Risultati 580-600 di 4221

Sprache, Grammatik, Unterrichtsgrammatik

futurischer Zeitbezug im Englischen I

  • Mindt, Dieter

BEC preliminary practice tests

four tests for the Cambridge business english certificate

  • Jakeman, Vanessa

Intelligent business

pre-intermediate business english : coursebook

  • Johnson, Christine

English sentence analysis

an introductory course

  • Verspoor, Marjolijn

Grundwissen der englischen Fachdidaktik

ein Repetitorium in Frage und Antwort

  • Heuer, Helmut

Look, listen and learn!

an integrated english course for children

  • Alexander, Louis George

Calling all beginners

appello ai principianti : corso per chi comincia o riprende lo studio dell'inglese

  • Hicks, David

First certificate masterclass [+]

student's book

  • Haines, Simon


  • Ottolenghi, Carla

Episodes in ESP

a source and reference book on the development of English for science and technology

  • Swales, John

Business contacts

materials for developing listening and speaking skills for the student of Business English

Proficiency English

[a course for the Cambridge proficiency examination]

  • Fowler, William Scott

Getting along with idioms

Basic English Expressions and two-word verbs

  • Goldman, Lorraine

Elementary vocabulary games

a collection of vocabulary games and activities for elementary students of english

  • Hadfield, Jill

Discussions [+]

A-Z : a resource of speaking activities

  • Wallwork, Adrian

English as a second language - TOEFL

how to write the TOEFL test of written English and the graduate school application essay (with exercises)

  • Leeds, Bruce