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Risultati 40-60 di 152

Developing strategies

an integrated language course for intermediate students

  • Abbs, Brian


Resource books for teachers

  • Sheerin, Susan

Reading between the lines

integrated language and literature activities. Student's book

  • McRae, John

Modern English practice [+]

exercises in English for foreign students

  • Clarke, David Waldo


teacher's book : a guide to the use of authentic written materials in class

  • Swan, Michael 1936-

Grammar practice activies

a practical guide for teachers

  • Ur, Penny

English sentence analysis

an introductory course

  • Verspoor, Marjolijn

Calling all beginners

appello ai principianti : corso per chi comincia o riprende lo studio dell'inglese

  • Hicks, David

Intermediate matters

Students' book

  • Bell, Jan

Confusable words

  • Carpenter, Edwin


Essential writing skills for intermediate students

  • Sherman, Jane

An introduction to English Language

Sound word and sentence

  • Kuiper, Koenraad