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Risultati 260-280 di 3744

Speech and thought representation in English

a cognitive-functional approach

  • Vandelanotte, Lieven

Linguistica inglese

studi recenti e prospettive di ricerca

Engaging ideas

the professor's guide to integrating writing, critical thinking, and active learning in the classroom

  • Bean, John C. docente di lingua inglese alla Seattle University

Englische Grammatik

Regeln, Beispiele, Übungen für ein fehlerfreies Englisch

  • Kasimirski, Birgit

An introduction to english language [+]

word, sound and sentence

  • Kuiper, Koenraad

Le français en contact

hommages à Raymond Mougeon

The world of words

a language reader

The structure of complex words

  • Empson, William 1906-1984

IELTS language practice

English grammar and vocabulary

  • Vince, Michael

English words abroad

Manfred Gorlach

  • Görlach, Manfred

Cambridge proficiency examination practice 4

teacher's book

  • University of Cambridge

Email english

with new social media section and phrase bank of useful expressions

  • Emmerson, Paul