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Dietrich Behrens zum Siebzigsten Geburtstag dargebracht von Schulern und Freunden

Features and interfaces in Romance

essays in honor of Heles Contreras

Romance syntax, semantics and L2 acquisition

selected papers from the 30. linguistic symposium on romance languages : Gainesville, Florida, February 2000

Selected papers from the 13. linguistic symposium on Romance languages

Chapel Hill, N. C., 24-26 March 1983

  • Linguistic symposium on Romance languages 13. Chapel Hill, N. C. 1983

Variation and change in French

essays presented to Rebecca Posner on the occasion of her sixtieth birthday

16. Congres internacional de linguistica i filologia romaniques


  • Congres internacional de linguistica i filologia romaniques 16. Palma de Mallorca 1980

Romance phonology and variation

selected papers from the 30. linguistic symposium on Romance languages, Gainesville, Florida, February 2000

Romanistische Korpuslinguistik

Korpora und gesprochene Sprache

Italic and Romance

linguistic studies in honor of Ernst Pulgram

Studies in Romance linguistics

selected papers from the seventeenth linguistic symposium on Romance languages (17. LSRL) : Rutgers university, 27-29 March 1987

  • Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages 17. New Brunswick 1987

Vvedenie v romanskuju filologiju


  • Alisova, Tatʹjana Borisovna

Romania ingeniosa [+]

Festschrift fur Prof. Dr. Gerold Hilty zum 60. Geburtstag

Die Mundartworterbucher und Sprachatlanten der romanischen Schweiz

Vortrag gehalten an der Schlussfeier des Schuljahres 1934/1935 der Kantonschule Solothurn

  • Keller, Oskar 1889-1945