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Risultati 40-60 di 192

Informationsstruktur im Biblischen Hebräisch

Sprachwissenschaftliche Grundlagen und exegetische Konsequenzen einer Korpusuntersuchung zu den Büchern Deuteronomium, Richter und 2 Könige

  • Disse, Andreas

The old Hebrew particle gam

a syntactic-semantic description of gam in Gn-2Kg

  • Merwe, Christo H. J.: van der

Transliteration und Transkription

Objekt- und metasprachliche Metazeichensysteme zur Wiedergabe hebräischer Texte

  • Richter, Wolfgang biblista

Texts, temples and traditions

a tribute to Menahem Haran

Studies in Hebrew and Aramaic syntax

presented to Professor J. Hoftijzer on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday

Hebrew and Aramaic studies

  • Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel

Sirach, scrolls, and sages

proceedings of a second international symposium on the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Ben Sira, and the Mishnah, held at Leiden university, 15-17 december 1997

  • International symposium on the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scroll Ben Sira and the Mishnah 2. Leiden 1997

Hebrew lexical semantics and daily life in ancient Israel

what's cooking in Biblical Hebrew?

  • Peters, Kurtis

Clause structure and word order in Hebrew and Arabic

an essays in comparative Semitic syntax

  • Shlonsky, Ur

Arbeitsbuch Hebraisch

Materialen, Beispiele und Ubungen zum Biblisch-Hebraisch

  • Neef, Heinz-Dieter

A Biblical Hebrew reference grammar

  • Merwe, Christo H. J.: van der

Studies in Hebrew language, literature and culture

proceedings of the 20. Hebrew scientific conference in Europe : Poland 18-22 September 2011

  • Hebrew scientific conference in Europe 20. 2011

A Medieval Karaite pedagogical grammar of Hebrew

a critical edition and English translation of Kitāb al-ʻuqūd fī taṣārīf al-luġa al-ʻibrāniyya

  • Vidro, Nadia