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Risultati 40-60 di 87

Parallels in Semitic linguistics

the development of Arabic la- and related semitic particles

  • Testen, David

Al-ṣāḥibī fī fiqh al-luġati al-ʻarabiyyah wa-masāʼihā wa-sunan al-ʻarab fī kalāmihā

  • Ibn Fāris, Abū-l-Ḥusayn Aḥmad ibn Zakariyyā ibn Muḥammad ibn ḤabĪb al-Šāfiʻī al-Luġawī

Maʻāhid al-tanṣīṣ ʻalā šawāhid al-talẖīṣ

  • al-ʻAbbāsī, ʻAbd al-Raḥīm ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān

Changing traditions [+]

al-Mubarradʼs refutation of Sībawayh and the subsequent reception of the Kitāb

  • Bernards, Monique

Funktionsanalyse von kana yaf/alu

ein Beitrag zur Verbalsyntax des Althocharabischen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Tempus- und Aspektproblematik

  • Nebes, Norbert

Das Partizip im Arabischen

die Auffassungen der arabischen Grammatiker und der Sparchgebrauch in klassisc-arabischen Texten

  • Youssef, Zafer

A grammar of the classical Arabic language

Four volumes in seven parts

  • Howell, Mortimer Sloper<1841-1925>

Learn Arabic

  • Abdelkafi, Mohamed

Studies in the grammar of early Arabic

based upon papyri datable to before 300 A.H. 912 A.D.

  • Hopkins, Simon

Selections from the Arabic press

Part 2.

  • Kapliwatzky, Jochanan


  • Osella, Gino

Grammatica di arabo standard moderno [+]

fonologia, morfologia e sintassi

  • Mion, Giuliano

Alif baa

introduction to Arabic letters and sounds

  • Brustad, Kristen E.