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Risultati 20-40 di 192

Testi patristici di antropologia

da una ricerca sul libero arbitrio

  • Spada, Domenico

Die Willensfreiheit

ein zentrales Problem mit vielen Seiten

  • Dreher, Eduard

Causes, laws, and free will

why determinism doesnʼt matter

  • Vihvelin, Kadri


why science hasnʼt disproved free will

  • Mele, Alfred R.

Deep control

essays on free will and value

  • Fischer, John Martin

Aspects of agency

decisions, abilities, explanations, and free will

  • Mele, Alfred R.

Teorie della libertà [+]

la discussione contemporanea

  • Magni, Sergio Filippo

Personal agency

the metaphysics of mind and action

  • Lowe, E. J.

Agency and responsibility

essays on the metaphysics of freedom

Free creatures of an eternal God

Thomas Aquinas on Godʼs infallible foreknowledge and irresistible will

  • Goris, Harm J. M. J.

Free will

  • Harris, Sam

Building better beings

a theory of moral responsibility

  • Vargas, Manuel

Aufweis der Realität der Willensfreiheit

eine retorsive Reflexion zur Möglichkeit von Verantwortlichkeit in Ethik und (Straf-)Recht

  • Rath, Jurgen